IGBT Discretes
High speed 600 V, 100 A single TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT3 in a TO247 package provides the best compromise between switching and conduction losses. The key feature of this family is a MOSFET-like turn-off switching behavior, leading to low turn off losses.
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1200 V, 15 A single HighSpeed 3 H3 in a TO247 package provides the best compromise between switching and conduction losses. The key feature of this family is a MOSFET-like turn-off switching behavior, leading to low turn off losses.
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High speed 600 V, 20 A single TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT3 in a TO247 package provides the best compromise between switching and conduction losses. The key feature of this family is a MOSFET-like turn-off switching behavior, leading to low turn off losses.
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1200 V, 25 A single HighSpeed 3 H3 in a TO247 package provides the best compromise between switching and conduction losses. The key feature of this family is a MOSFET-like turn-off switching behavior, leading to low turn off losses.
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High speed 600 V, 30 A single TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT3 in a TO247 package provides the best compromise between switching and conduction losses. The key feature of this family is a MOSFET-like turn-off switching behavior, leading to low turn off losses.
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Hard-switching 600 V, 30 A TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT3 in TO-247 package for significant improvement of static as well as dynamic performance of the device, due to combination of trench-cell and fieldstop concept.
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Hard-switching 600 V, 30 A TRENCHSTOP™ Performance IGBT in TO-247 package combines the best trade-off between conduction and switch-off energy with outstanding robustness and excellent EMI behaviour.
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Infineon’s new L5 low saturation voltage (V CE(sat)) TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT family has been specifically optimized for low switching frequencies ranging from 50Hz to 20kHz. Optimization of the carrier profile of the innovative 55µm TRENCHSTOP™ 5 thin wafer technology allows to reduce conduction losses to the intrinsically low level – 1.05V for 30A IGBT and 1.10V for 75A IGBT.
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1200 V, 40 A single HighSpeed 3 H3 in a TO247 package provides the best compromise between switching and conduction losses. The key feature of this family is a MOSFET-like turn-off switching behavior, leading to low turn off losses.
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High speed 600 V, 40 A single TRENCHSTOP™ IGBT3 in a TO247 package provides the best compromise between switching and conduction losses. The key feature of this family is a MOSFET-like turn-off switching behavior, leading to low turn off losses.
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