1. Manufacturers
  2. Infineon
  3. Microcontroller
  4. Legacy Microcontroller
  5. Legacy 8-bit / 16-bit Microcontroller
  6. XC2300 Family (Safety)
  7. XC23xxD-Series



The XC2300D series, with the XC233xD (LQFP-64) and XC232xD (VQFN-48) derivatives, further enlarges the XC2300 microcontroller family in the low-end. With a maximum memory size of 160kB Flash and up to 12kB RAM, the microcontrollers of this series are well suited for low-end cost-sensitive safety applicationss like low-end Airbag or Belt Pretensioner applications.
Request Model
The XC2300D series, with the XC233xD (LQFP-64) and XC232xD (VQFN-48) derivatives, further enlarges the XC2300 microcontroller family in the low-end. With a maximum memory size of 160kB Flash and up to 12kB RAM, the microcontrollers of this series are well suited for low-end cost-sensitive safety applicationss like low-end Airbag or Belt Pretensioner applications.
Request Model