AURIX™ Family – TC32xLP

SAK-TC323LP-16F160F AA belongs to the AURIX™ TC32xLP family. AURIX™ second generation (TC3xx) comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive and industrial trends and challenges. In terms of performance, T32xLP offers 1 core running at 160 MHz and up to 152 KBytes embedded RAM, and consuming below 1 W.*300MHz on request
Models Available

SAK-TC322LP-16F160F AA belongs to the AURIX™ TC32xLP family. AURIX™ second generation (TC3xx) comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive and industrial trends and challenges. In terms of performance, T32xLP offers 1 core running at 160 MHz and up to 152 kB KBytes embedded RAM, and consuming below 1 W.*300MHz on request
Request Model

SAL-TC322LP-16F160F AA belongs to the AURIX™ TC32xLP family. AURIX™ second generation (TC3xx) comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive and industrial trends and challenges. In terms of performance, T32xLP offers 1 core running at 160 MHz and up to 152 KBytes embedded RAM, and consuming below 1 W.*300MHz on request
Request Model

SAK-TC324LP-16F160F AA belongs to the AURIX™ TC32xLP family. AURIX™ second generation (TC3xx) comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive and industrial trends and challenges. In terms of performance, T32xLP offers 1 core running at 160 MHz and up to 152 KBytes embedded RAM, and consuming below 1 W.*300MHz on request
Request Model

SAL-TC327LP-16F160S AA belongs to the AURIX™ TC32xLP family. AURIX™ second generation (TC3xx) comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive and industrial trends and challenges. In terms of performance, T32xLP offers 1 core running at 160 MHz and up to 152 KBytes embedded RAM, and consuming below 1 W.
Request Model