AURIX™ Family – TC37xTX
SAK-TC377TX-96F300S AB belongs to the AURIX™ TC37xTX family . AURIX™ TC3xx comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive trends and challenges. In terms of performance, T37xTX offers 3 cores running at 300 MHz and up to 4.3 MBytes embedded RAM, and consuming below 2 W.
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The SAL-TC377TX-96F300S AB belongs to the AURIX™ TC37xTX family . AURIX™ second generation comes back with an increase in performance, memory sizes, connectivity and more scalability to address the new automotive trends and challenges. In terms of performance, T37xTX offers 3 cores running at 300 MHz and up to 4.3 MBytes embedded RAM, and consuming below 2 W.
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