20V-60V Complementary MOSFET
Complementary power MOSFETs - an n-channel and a p-channel power MOSFET within the same package - are part of Infineon’s famous low voltage OptiMOS™ families, the market leader in high efficiency solutions for power generation (e.g. solar micro inverter), power supply (e.g. server and telecom) and power consumption (e.g. electric vehicle).
Models Available
Complementary power MOSFETs - an n-channel and a p-channel power MOSFET within the same package - are part of Infineon’s famous low voltage OptiMOS™ families, the market leader in high efficiency solutions for power generation (e.g. solar micro inverter), power supply (e.g. server and telecom) and power consumption (e.g. electric vehicle).
Models Available
Complementary power MOSFETs - an n-channel and a p-channel power MOSFET within the same package - are part of Infineon’s famous low voltage OptiMOS™ families, the market leader in high efficiency solutions for power generation (e.g. solar micro inverter), power supply (e.g. server and telecom) and power consumption (e.g. electric vehicle).
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Complementary power MOSFETs - an n-channel and a p-channel power MOSFET within the same package - are part of Infineon’s famous low voltage OptiMOS™ families, the market leader in high efficiency solutions for power generation (e.g. solar micro inverter), power supply (e.g. server and telecom) and power consumption (e.g. electric vehicle).
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Complementary power MOSFETs - an n-channel and a p-channel power MOSFET within the same package - are part of Infineon’s famous low voltage OptiMOS™ families, the market leader in high efficiency solutions for power generation (e.g. solar micro inverter), power supply (e.g. server and telecom) and power consumption (e.g. electric vehicle).
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