Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corp.
Bipolar Transistors
Toshiba’s offers an extensive lineup ranging from ultra-small, surface-mounted, small-signal transistors to power transistors with lead-type packages, including low-saturation, high-current, and ultra-high-speed types.
Bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT)
Bias resistor built-in transistor (BRT), 2-in-1
Multi-chip discrete device (N-ch + SBD)
Multi-chip discrete device (N-ch + switching diode)
Multi-chip discrete device (P-ch + SBD)
Power transistor for high-speed switching applications
Power transistor for high-speed switching applications (2 in 1)
Power transistor for low frequency applications
Radio-frequency SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor
Transistor for low frequency small-signal amplification
Transistor for low frequency small-signal amplification 2 in 1