1. Infineon
  2. Transceivers
  3. Automotive Transceiver
  4. Automotive CAN Transceivers

Infineon TLE9351VSJXTMA1

The TLE9351VSJ is a high speed CAN transceiver, used in HS CAN systems for automotive applications as well as for industrial applications. It is designed to fulfill the requirements of ISO 11898-2:2016 physical layer specification as well as SAE J1939 and SAE J2284.The TLE9351VSJ is available in a RoHS compliant, halogen free PG-DSO-8 package.As an interface between the physical bus layer and the HS CAN protocol controller, the TLE9351VSJ is designed to protect the microcontroller against interferences generated inside the network. A very high ESD robustness and the optimized RF immunity allows the use in automotive applications without additional protection devices, such as suppressor diodes or common mode chokes.Based on the high symmetry of the CANH and CANL output signals, the TLE9351VSJ provides a very low level of electromagnetic emission (EME) within a wide frequency range. The TLE9351VSJ fulfills even stringent EMC test limits without an additional external circuit, such as a common mode choke.The optimized transmitter symmetry combined with the optimized delay symmetry of the receiver enables the TLE9351VSJ to support CAN FD data frames. The device supports data transmission rates up to 5 MBit/s, depending on the size of the network and the inherent parasitic effects.Dedicated low-power modes, such as stand-by mode, provide very low quiescent current during power-up of the device. In stand-by mode the typical quiescent current on VIO is less than 10 µA while the device can still wake up by a bus signal on the HS CAN bus.Fail-safe features, such as overtemperature protection, output current limitation or the TxD time-out feature are designed to protect the TLE9351VSJ and the external circuitry from irreparable damage.
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Normal: Standard and most popular representation of schematic symbol

ALT_1 (IEEE view): Symbol representation in a way that is more graphical in explaining what the purpose of each pin is. For connectors and most discretes (as we use these views) it is simply an alternate view for people to use depending on the situation. For instance connectors can be generally an input, an output or neither. Resistors can be vertical or horizontal.

ALT_2 (demorgan): Demorgan is a name for an equivalent Gate structure. so for instance an AND gate and an OR gate can be represented by its Demorgan equivalent of a NOR gate.

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PinDetail: Highlights the pin to pad contact area dimensions

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