1. Infineon
  2. RF
  3. Antenna cross switches

Infineon BGSX22G6U10E6327XTSA1

The BGSX22G6U10 RF CMOS switch is specifically designed for GSM, WCDMA, LTE and 5G applications. This DPDT offers very low insertion loss even at high frequencies of up to 7.125GHz, low harmonic generation along with high isolation between RF ports. In addition, the fast switching speed enables 5G-SRS applications.The switch is controlled via a GPIO interface. The on-chip controller allows power-supply voltages from 1.6V-3.6V.BGSX22G6U10 features direct-connect-to-battery functionality and DC-free RF ports. Unlike GaAs technology, external DC blocking capacitors at the RF Ports are only required if DC voltage is applied externally. The device has a very small size of only 1.1 mm x 1.5 mm and thickness of 0.60mm.
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Normal: Standard and most popular representation of schematic symbol

ALT_1 (IEEE view): Symbol representation in a way that is more graphical in explaining what the purpose of each pin is. For connectors and most discretes (as we use these views) it is simply an alternate view for people to use depending on the situation. For instance connectors can be generally an input, an output or neither. Resistors can be vertical or horizontal.

ALT_2 (demorgan): Demorgan is a name for an equivalent Gate structure. so for instance an AND gate and an OR gate can be represented by its Demorgan equivalent of a NOR gate.

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Basic: Our standard footprint view showing, contact area, pin number, top, top assembly

Detailed: Additional info to help you evaluate the part and the footprint including: dimension, silkscreen, soldermask, and solderpaste

PinDetail: Highlights the pin to pad contact area dimensions

Displays min/typ/max pad sizes for footprint per IPC specification (not all sizes will be available for every part)

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