1. Infineon
  2. Microcontroller
  3. 32-bit Industrial Microcontroller based on ARM® Cortex®-M
  4. 32-bit XMC1000 Industrial Microcontroller ARM® Cortex®-M0

Infineon XMC1302T028X0016ABXUMA1

32-bit Microcontrollers with ARM® Cortex®-M0 with focus on low-cost embedded control applications. XMC1000 is the number one choice for bringing traditional 32-bit designs to the next level, addressing a broad application spectrum from typical 32-bit applications up to digital power conversion and even field-oriented motor control. XMC1300 family can integrate all the control and analog interface functions required for sensor less Field Oriented Control (FOC), brushless (BLDC), brushed DC and PMSM motors.
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