1. Infineon
  2. Microcontroller
  3. Embedded Power ICs (System-on-Chip)
  4. H-Bridge Driver IC Integrated ARM® Cortex® M0

Infineon TLE9867QXA40XUMA2

The MOTIX™ TLE9867QXA40 is part of the MOTIX™ TLE986x product family. The MOTIX™ TLE9867QXA40 is a single chip 2-Phase motor driver that integrates the industry standard Arm® Cortex®-M3 core, enabling the implementation of advanced motor control algorithms. It includes four fully integrated NFET drivers optimized to drive a 2-Phase motor via four external power NFETs, a charge pump enabling low voltage operation and programmable current along with current slope control for optimized EMC behavior. Its peripheral set includes a current sensor, a successive approximation ADC synchronized with the capture and compare unit for PWM control and 16-bit timers. A LIN transceiver is also integrated to enable communication to the device along with a number of general purpose I/Os. It includes an on-chip linear voltage regulator to supply external loads.It is a highly integrated automotive qualified device enabling cost and space efficient solutions for mechatronic DC motor drive applications such as sunroof and power window lift.
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