1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. Motor Control ICs
  4. Servo and Stepper Motor Driver

Infineon TLE8444SLXUMA1

It is a monolithic die based on Infineon’s smart mixed technology SPT which combines bipolar and CMOS control circuitry with DMOS power devices. DC-Motors can be driven in forward (cw), reverse (ccw), brake and high impedance modes where as Stepper- Motors can be driven in No-Current, negative / positive output current modes. These various modes can easily be achieved via standard parallel interface of the device to a microcontroller. The PG-SSOP-24-7 package is advantageous as it saves PCB-board space and costs. The integrated short circuit and over-temperature protection as well as it’s built-in diagnosis features such as over- and under voltage-lockout and open load detection improves system reliability and performance.
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