1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. DC-DC Converters
  4. Switching Regulators
  5. OPTIREG™ Switchers (Automotive)

Infineon TLE63892GVXUMA2

A unique PWM/PFM control scheme operates with up to a 100% duty cycle, resulting in very low dropout voltage. This control scheme eliminates minimum load requirements and reduces the supply current under light loads to 120μA, depending on dimensioning of external components. In addition the adjustable version TLE6389-2GV can be shut down via the Enable input reducing the input current to <2μA. The TLE6389 step-down controllers drive an external P-channel MOSFET, allowing design flexibility for applications up to 12.5W of output power. A high switching frequency and operation in continuous-conduction mode allow the use of tiny surface-mount inductors. Output capacitor requirements are also reduced, minimizing PC board area and system costs. The output voltage is preset at 5V (TLE6389-2GV50 and TLE6389-3GV50) and adjustable for the TLE6389-2GV. The version TLE6389-2GV50 features a reset function with a threshold between 4.5V and 4.8V, including a small hysteresis of typ. 50mV. In the version TLE6389-3GV50 the device incorporates a reset with a typ. 1V hysteresis. Input voltages of all TLE6389 can be up to 60V.
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