1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. Power Management ICs (PMIC) & System Basis Chips (SBC)

Infineon TLE6368G2AUMA1

The device is intended to supply 32 bit micro-controller systems which require different supply voltage rails such as 5V, 3.3V and 2.6V. The regulators for external sensors are also provided. The TLE6368G2 cascades a Buck converter block with a linear regulator and tracker block on a single chip to achieve lowest power dissipation thus being able to power the application even at very high ambient temperatures. The step-down converter delivers a pre-regulated voltage of 5.5V with a minimum current capability of 1.5A. Supplied by this step down converter three low drop linear post-regulators offer 5V, 3.3V, or 2.6V of output voltages depending on the configuration of the device with current capabilities of 800mA, 500mA and 350mA. In addition the inputs of six voltage trackers are connected to the 5.5V bus voltage. Their outputs follow the main 5V linear regulator (Q_LDO1) with high accuracy and are able to drive a current of 17mA each. The trackers can be turned on and off individually by a 16 bit serial peripheral interface (SPI). Through this interface also the status information of each tracker (i.e. short circuit) can be read out. To monitor the output voltage levels of each of the linear regulators three independent undervoltage detection circuits are available which can be used to implement the reset or an early warning function. The supervision of the μC can be managed by the SPItriggered window watchdog. For energy saving reasons while the motor is turned off, the TLE6368G2 offers a standby mode, where the quiescent current does not exceed 30μA. In this stand-by mode just the stand-by regulator remains active. The TLE6368G2 is based on Infineon Power technology SPT which allows bipolar,CMOS and Power DMOS circuitry to be integrated on the same monolithic circuitry.
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