1. Infineon
  2. Sensor
  3. Sensor
  4. Magnetic Position Sensor

Infineon TLE5009E1010FUMA1

The TLE5009 is an angle sensor with analog outputs. It detects the orientation of a magnetic field by measuring sine and cosine angle components with Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR) elements. It provides analog sine and cosine output voltages that describe the magnet angle in a range of 0 to 360°. The differential GMR bridge signals are temperature compensated and independent of the magnetic field strength to maintain constant output voltage over a wide temperature and field range. The analog output is designed for differential applications. The output voltages are designed to use the dynamic range of an A/D-converter using the same supply as the sensor as voltage reference. Product type TLE5009-E2000 and TLE5009-E2010 are intended for use in circuits with 5 Volts supply. Product types TLE5009-E1000 and TLE5009-E1010 are intended for use in 3.3V applications. Product types TLE5009-E2010 and TLE5009-E1010 have improved angular accuracy achieved by production trimming at two temperatures.
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