1. Infineon
  2. Sensor
  3. Magnetic Position Sensor
  4. Hall Switch

Infineon TLE49662KHTSA1

The TLE4966-2K is an integrated circuit dual Hall-effect sensor designed specifically for highly accurate applications. Precise magnetic switching points and high temperature stability are achieved by active compensation circuits and chopper techniques on chip. The sensor provides two independent speed outputs at Q1 and Q2 with the status (high or low) corresponding to the magnetic field value at the respective Hall element H1 and H2 . Both Hall elements have the identical thresholds for B OP and B RP (B OP1 = B OP2 and B RP1 = B RP2). For positive magnetic fields (south pole) exceeding the threshold B OP1 and/or B OP2 the corresponding output Q1 and/or Q2 is low, whereas for negative magnetic fields (north pole) lower than B RP the output switches to high. Due to the spatial distance of the two Hall elements on the chip (d = 1.45mm) the two output signals will show a phase difference in case the sensor is used with a rotating magnetized pole wheel.
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