1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. LED driver IC
  4. LITIX™ - Automotive LED Driver IC
  5. LITIX™ Linear

Infineon TLE4241GMXUMA1

The TLE4241GM provides an output current adjustable via different means (SET, PWM, reference resistor) which is kept nearly independent from load and supply voltagechanges. The IC is designed to supply LEDs under the severe conditions of automotive applications resulting in constant brightness and extended LED lifetime. It is provided in the very small PG-DSO-8-16 (Micro 8) package. Protection circuits prevent damage to the device in case of overload, short circuit, reverse polarity and overtemperature. The connected LEDs are protected against reverse polarity as well as excess voltages up to 45 V. A status output allows handling of open load and short circuit at the main output. A PWM input offers the possibility to adjust the LED brightness by pulse width modulation.
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