1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. Motor Control ICs
  4. Servo and Stepper Motor Driver

Infineon TLE4209GXUMA2

The part is built using the bipolar high voltage power technology DOPL. The standard enhanced power PG-DSO-14 package meets the application requirements and saves PCBboard space and costs. The package is lead- and halogen-free. The servo-loop-parameter pos.- and neg. Hysteresis, pos.- and neg. deadband and angle-amplification are programmable with external resistors. An internal window-comparator controls the input line. In the case of a fault condition, like short circuit to GND, short circuit to supply-voltage, and broken wire, the MOTIX™ TLE4209G stops the motor immediately (brake condition). Furthermore the built in features like over- and under voltage-lockout, short-circuit-protection and overtemperature- protection will open a wide range of automotive- and industrial applications.
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