1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. LED driver IC
  4. LITIX™ - Automotive LED Driver IC
  5. LITIX™ Power Flex

Infineon TLD55411QUXUMA1

This concept of a synchronous and seamless buck-boost regulation provides a very efficient solution for circuits where the output (load) voltage is on the same level as the input voltage, e.g. in short chains with 2 to 3 high power LEDs or laser diodes connected to a 12 V electrical system.Furthermore in combination with its fast dynamic load jump behavior, it is also an innovative solution for realizing cost-optimized LED headlamps with complete protection and diagnosis features – e.g. by driving two, three or more separately switched LED loads in one string, with up-to 55 V string voltage, with just one TLD5541-1QU.
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