1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. LED driver IC
  4. LITIX™ - Automotive LED Driver IC
  5. LITIX™ Power

Infineon TLD5045EJXUMA1

The main function of this device is to drive single or multiple series connected LEDs efficiently from a voltage source higher than the LED forward voltage by regulating a constant LED current. The constant current regulation is especially beneficial for LED color accuracy and long LED lifetime. The built in freewheeling diode and switching transistor with current sense requires less external components and saves system costs. High flexibility is achieved by placing low power resistors to adjust output currents up to 700mA and the regulator switching frequency (typ. 200kHz). An integrated PWM dimming engine provides a LED dimming function by placing a simple RC network to GND. This feature is dedicated for decentralized light modules without microcontroller involvement. In addition to that an integrated status pull down transistor can be used to simulate a minimum current flow for decentralized modules to avoid a wrong open load detection by a highside switch located in the body control module (BCM).
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