1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. LED driver IC
  4. LITIX™ - Automotive LED Driver IC
  5. LITIX™ Linear

Infineon TLD1211SJFUMA1

The IC is designed to supply LEDs under the severe conditions of automotive applications resulting in constant brightness and extended LED lifetime. The TLD1211SJ is capable to drive high current, high brightness LEDs up to 2.5 A by using additional external output stages as “booster“ transistors. For LED currents up to 85mA the IC can be used as a stand alone device and requires only one voltage sense resistor as an external component. Protection circuits prevent damage to the device in case of overload, short circuit, over voltage, and overtemperature. Furthermore, the temperature dependent current reduction is able to protect LEDs which are thermally coupled to the IC. The integrated EN input of the TLD1211SJ enables LED brightness control by pulse width modulation.
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