1. Infineon
  2. Microcontroller
  3. 32-bit TriCore™ Microcontroller
  4. 32-bit TriCore™ AURIX™ – TC2xx
  5. AURIX™ Family – TC21xL

Infineon TC212L8F133NACLXUMA1

The SAL-TC212L-8F133N AC belongs to the AURIX™ TC21xL family . Its innovative multicore architecture, based on up to three independent 32-bit TriCore CPUs, has been designed to meet the highest safety standards, while simultaneously increasing performance significantly. The TC21xL family belongs to the TC2xx AURIX™ Family. Equipped with a TriCore with 133 MHz, a single voltage supply of 3.3V and a Powerful Generic Timer Module (GTM), the TC21xL series aim for a reduced complexity, best-in-class power consumption and significant cost savings.
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