1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. Power Management ICs (PMIC) & System Basis Chips (SBC)

Infineon TLF35585QUS01XUMA2

The wide switching frequency range allows optimization in respect of efficiency and usage of small filter components. A dedicated reference-regulator supplies the ADC independent from microcontroller load steps and acts as tracking-source for the two-independent sensor-supplies. The flexible state machine, wake-up concept including timer, and the stand-by-regulator favors the usage in numerous applications.Multiple safety features enable easy realization of ASIL D together with various Microcontrollers (μCs). The OPTIREGTM TLF35585QUS01 PMIC comes in TQFP – 48 packages capable for automated optical inspection. The package is thermally enhanced, fully AEC – Q100 Grade 0 qualified and capable to go beyond Grade 0.The OPTIREGTM PMIC TLF35585 is a robust, safe and reliable supply companion for AURIXTM microcontrollers for a dependable system and enables the highest safety standard at system level when combined with AURIXTM microcontrollers TC2xx and TC3xx.To get access to the complete OPTIREG™ PMIC technical documentation please follow the instruction here.


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Symbol Views

(not all views will be available for every part)

Normal: Standard and most popular representation of schematic symbol

ALT_1 (IEEE view): Symbol representation in a way that is more graphical in explaining what the purpose of each pin is. For connectors and most discretes (as we use these views) it is simply an alternate view for people to use depending on the situation. For instance connectors can be generally an input, an output or neither. Resistors can be vertical or horizontal.

ALT_2 (demorgan): Demorgan is a name for an equivalent Gate structure. so for instance an AND gate and an OR gate can be represented by its Demorgan equivalent of a NOR gate.

Sometimes a device is fractured into multiple symbols (often for high pin count parts). If that is the case, you can preview the different symbols that make up the device by selecting them in this drop down.

Footprint Views

(not all views will be available for every part)

Basic: Our standard footprint view showing, contact area, pin number, top, top assembly

Detailed: Additional info to help you evaluate the part and the footprint including: dimension, silkscreen, soldermask, and solderpaste

PinDetail: Highlights the pin to pad contact area dimensions

Displays min/typ/max pad sizes for footprint per IPC specification (not all sizes will be available for every part)

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