1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. Power Management ICs (PMIC) & System Basis Chips (SBC)

Infineon TLE73682EXUMA3

The device is intended to supply and monitor next generation 32-bit microcontroller families (13 μm lithography) where voltage levels such as 5 V, 3.3 V or 1.2 V are required. The regulator follows the concept of its predecessor TLE6368, where the output of a pre-regulator feeds the inputs of the micro’s linear supplies. In detail, the TLE7368 cascades a Buck converter with linear regulators and voltage followers to achieve lowest power dissipation. This configuration allows to power the application even at high ambient temperatures. The step-down converter delivers a pre-regulated voltage of 5.5 V with a minimum peak current capability of 2.5 A. Supplied by this step down converter two low drop linear post-regulators offer 5 V and 3.3 V (2.6 V) with high accuracy. The current capability of the regulators is 800 mA and 700 mA. The 3.3 V (2.6 V) linear regulator does have its own input allowing to insert a dropper from the Buck output to reduce the on chip power dissipation if necessary. For the same reason, reduction of on chip power dissipation, the core supply (1.5 V, 1.2 V or 1.3 V) follows the concept of integrated control circuit with external power stage. Implementing the on board and microcontroller supplies in this way described, allows operation even at high ambient temperatures. The regulator system contains the so called power sequencing function which provides a controlled power up sequence of the three output voltages.In addition to the main regulators the inputs of two voltage trackers are connected to the 5.5 V Buck converter output voltage. Their protected outputs follow the main 5 V linear regulator with high accuracy and are able to drive loads of 50 mA and 105 mA. To monitor the output voltage levels of each of the linear regulators two independent undervoltage detection circuits are available. They can be used to implement the reset or an interrupt function.For energy saving reasons, e.g. while the motor is turned off, the TLE7368 offers a stand-
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