1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. DC-DC Converters
  4. Integrated Power Stages

Infineon TDA21535AUMA1

The TDA21535 OptiMOS™ power stage contains a low quiescent-current synchronous buck gate-driver IC co-packaged with high-side and low-side MOSFETs and an active diode structure that achieves low Vsd similar to a Schottky with very little reverse recovery charge. The TDA21535 power stage forms a complete low voltage, high power DC/DC regulator when used with Infineon multiphase controller ICs.The TDA21535 internal MOSFET current sense algorithm with temperature compensation achieves superior current sense accuracy versus best-in-class controller-based inductor DCR sense methods. Operation at switching frequency as high as 1.5 MHz enables high performance transient response, allowing reduction of output inductance and output capacitance while maintaining industry leading efficiency.
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