1. Infineon
  2. Microcontroller
  3. 32-bit PSOC™ Arm® Cortex® Microcontroller
  4. Automotive PSOC™ 4: 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0 MCU
  5. Automotive PSOC™ 4 S-Series
  6. Automotive PSOC™ 4100S Plus

Infineon CY8C4147AZE-S475

The CY8C4147AZE-S475 belongs to the 4100S Plus family, offering standard communication and timing peripherals, a capacitive touch-sensing system (CAPSENSE™) with best-in-class performance, programmable general-purpose continuous-time and switched-capacitor analog blocks, and programmable connectivity.
Built by Infineon

The CAD models below were provided for download to Ultra Librarian by Infineon. All CAD formats may not be available.


Symbol preview for CY8C4147AZE-S475
Symbol preview for CY8C4147AZE-S475


Footprint preview for CY8C4147AZE-S475

3D Model

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