1. Infineon
  2. Sensor
  3. MEMS Microphones
  4. MEMS Microphones for consumer

Infineon IM69D120V01XTSA1

If IM69D130 is used in a 16 bit audio signal chain, the full SNR performance would not be realized as the noise floor will be limited by the system dynamic range. IM69D120 has been specifically designed to preserve 69dB(A) SNR in a 16 bit system. This is achieved by increasing the microphone sensitivity to -26dBFS, and reducing the acoustic overload point to 120dBSPL. IM69D120 still offers all of the other benefits of IM69D130, such as high linearity, low latency and tight sensitivity and phase matching.IM69D120 is a high performance digital MEMS microphone making use of Infineon’s Dual Backplate MEMS technology to deliver 95dB dynamic range and high output linearity up to 120dBSPL. The application benefits are crystal-clear audio signals, extended pick-up distance and the ability to detect both soft and loud signals - from whispered speech to rock concerts.
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