Infineon IFX1117MEV33HTMA1

The IFX1117 is a monolithic integrated fixed NPN type voltage regulator that can supply loads up to 1.0 A. The device is housed in the small surface mounted SOT223 package. The IC is equipped with additional protection against overload, short circuit and over-temperature.The IFX1117ME V33 supplies a regulated output voltage of 3.3 V (±2%). The IFX1117ME V supplies an output voltage with ±2% precision adjustable via an external voltage divider. The input voltage for the IFX1117ME V33 ranges from 4.5 V (= VQ+VDR) to 15 V for a load current of 800 mA, for the maximum load current of 1.0 A a minimum input voltage of 4.7 V is required. The drop voltage VDR ranges from 1.1 V to 1.4 V depending on the load current level.
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