1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. AC-DC Power Conversion
  4. AC-DC PWM-PFC Controller
  5. PFC-CCM (continuous conduction mode) ICs

Infineon ICE3PCS03GXUMA1

ICE3PCS03G is the new 8-pin wide input range (85VAC to 265VAC ) controller IC for active CCM power factor correction converter. Compared to the 1st and 2nd generation of ICE1PCS0x and ICE2PCS0x, the 3rd generation PFC have the lowest internal reference trimmed at 2.5V and integrated digital control voltage loop.They also have other advantages such as low peak current limit at 0.2V, adjustable gate switching frequency range from 21kHz to 100kHz and able to synchronise with external frequency range from 50kHz to 100kHz. They are now able to achieve 95% efficiency at full load for all input voltage range.
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