1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. AC-DC Power Conversion
  4. AC-DC Integrated Power Stage - CoolSET™
  5. Fixed Frequency CoolSET™

Infineon ICE3A2065ELJFKLA1

The CoolSET®-F3 ELJ series is the enhanced version of the LJ series. Not only retains all the features of LJ series but it also implements with special technique to make the IC more robust to the system noise which is generated during transient test, system ESD test, lightning surge test, etc.It is target for low power SMPS application such as Off-Line Battery Adapters, DVD player and recorder, set-top box, auxiliary power supply, etc. The ELJ version has implemented some noise resist techniques to the IC such that it is more robust to the system noise which is generated during system ESD test, lightning surge test, transient test, etc.
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