1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. AC-DC Power Conversion
  4. AC-DC Integrated Power Stage - CoolSET™
  5. Quasi Resonant CoolSET™

Infineon ICE2QR0665XKLA1

Integrated power management IC with 650V avalanche rugged CoolMOS™, startup cell and QR current mode flyback PWM controller in DIP-8 package. Capable for 42.5W SMPS design. The quasi QR CoolSET™ series continues to deliver design agility and miniaturization. Upon the successful F3 CoolSET™, this new series offer the possibility of higher efficiency and better EMI performance. The digital frequency reduction feature score a very stable operation with decreasing load change, and the fold-back correction keep the maximum power limits within tolerance desired by SMPS designers. The active burst mode operation during low power consumption, remains market leaders in providing best-in-class power consumption during standby
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