1. Infineon
  2. Power
  3. LED driver IC
  4. Dimming Interface ICs

Infineon CDM10VDXTSA1

CDM10VD is a fully integrated 0-10V dimming interface IC and comes in a 6pin SOT package to cover space requirements on small PCBs. The device is coming in 4 different variants with different feature sets. The CDM10VD family is targeted for various dimming applications in lighting which requires dim-to-off. The IC can be used to transmit analog voltage-based signals from a 0-10V dimmer or potentiometer to the dimming or PWM input of a lighting controller IC in the form of a current based PWM signal to drive an external opto-coupler.CDM10VD replaces many components in a traditional solution and reduces BOM and PCB space significantly. It supports active, passive and PWM dimming in applications with DIM-to-Off requirements.
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