1. Infineon
  2. Power
  4. N-Channel
  5. 500V-950V
  6. 600 V CoolMOS™ 8

Infineon IPW60R037CM8XKSA1

The 600 V CoolMOS™ 8 SJ MOSFETs series is the successor to the 600 V CoolMOS™ 7 MOSFET family including P7, S7, CFD7, C7 (G7) and PFD7.It comes with reduced gate charge (Qg) of 20% over CFD7, reduction in turn-off losses (Eoss) is further improved by 12% over CFD7, reverse recovery charge (Qrr) is 3% lower compared to the CFD7, as well as the lowest reverse recovery time (trr) in the market.
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