1. Infineon
  2. Microcontroller
  3. 32-bit TRAVEO™ T2G Arm® Cortex® Microcontroller
  4. 32-bit TRAVEO™ T2G Arm® Cortex® for Body
  5. TRAVEO™ T2G CYT4BF Series


CYT4BF8CES belongs to the TRAVEO™ CYT4BF Family of MCUs, based on the highly-efficient embedded processor Arm® Cortex®-M7F, it ensures high level efficiency and network connectivity while preserving ease-of-use, a minimal power consumption through its featured power modes and a great cutting-edge security through HSM (Hardware Security Module), dedicated Cortex®-M0+ for secure processing, and embedded flash in dual bank mode for FOTA requirements. Desiged for automotive body applications, it is a great fit for body control modules, gateway, and infotainment applications.
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