1. Infineon
  2. Power
  4. Silicon Carbide
  5. Discretes

Infineon AIMW120R045M1XKSA1

The AIMW120R045M1 is specifically designed to meet the high requirements demanded by the automotive industry with regards to reliability, quality and performance.The increase of switching frequency for a converter using CoolSiC™ MOSFETs can result in dramatically reduced volume and weight of the magnetic components by up to 25%, which yields to significant cost increase of the application itself. The gain in performance fulfills new regulation standards in terms of higher efficiency requirements for electric vehicles. The superior gate oxide reliability as well as the best-in-class Infineon SiC Quality Extension guarantees very long and safe lifetime and can even fulfill very tough mission profile requirements. Further features such as lowest gate charge and device capacitances levels seen in 1200 V switches, no reverse recovery losses of the internal commutation proof body diode, temperature independent low switching losses and threshold-free on-state characteristics guarantee an hustle-free design-in and easy-to-control application design.
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